Club De Soccer Saint Laurent

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Soccer School EDS Registrations


Code of Ethics & Fair Play

The following are examples of Fair Play behaviors for athletes, parents and coaches..




  • I will never place the value of winning before the safety and welfare of all players
  • I will always show respect for players, other coaches, and game
  • I will lead by example, demonstrating fair play and sportsmanship at all
  • I will be knowledgeable of the rules of the game, and teach these rules to my players.
  • I will never use abusive or insulting I will treat everyone with dignity.
  • I will not tolerate inappropriate behavior, regardless of the
  • I understand that Youth have a greater need for example than I will be the primary soccer role model.
  • I will at all times conduct myself in a positive
  • Coaching is motivating players to produce their best effort, inspiring players to learn, and encouraging players to hold their head high win or
  • Les actions de l’entraîneur sur le bord du terrain pendant les matchs doivent être dans l’esprit du « fair-play » en tout temps. Les jurons, les gestes vulgaires, les disputes, l’incitation à un comportement perturbateur de la part des spectateurs et/ou des joueurs, ou tout comportement contraire à l’esprit du fair-play, nécessiteront des mesures disciplinaires de la part du Club de soccer St. Laurent
  • I will agree to undergo a police verification as outlined in the federation bylaws FSQ :
  • Furthermore, the volunteers will read and abide by the guide titled “Lignes directrices pour les adultes qui interagissent avec de jeunes athletes”
  • Read and abide by Section 2 of Soccer Canada’s Code of Conduct (I am aware of my rights and obligations under the Club’s policy surrounding appropriate / inappropriate conduct between adults / youth and children (

content/uploads/2019/07/csa-code-of-conduct-and-ethics-final-220917-fr- 1-2.pdf).
