Code of Ethics & Fair Play
The following are examples of Fair Play behaviors for athletes, parents and coaches..
- I will encourage good sportsmanship from fellow players, coaches, officials and parents at all times.
- I will remember that soccer is an opportunity to learn and have
- I will do the best I can each day, remembering that all players have talents and weaknesses the same as I do.
- I will treat my coaches, other players and coaches, game officials, other administrators, and fans with respect at all times; regardless of race, sex, creed, or abilities, and I will expect to be treated accordingly.
- I will concentrate on playing Always giving my best effort.
- I will follow all the rules of the FIFA, QSF, LSL, St-Laurent and my own team and never seek to break a rule.
- Aim to compete fairly, using talent and ability to win; refuse to win by illegal means or by cheating
- I will at all times control my temper, resisting the temptation to retaliate, which means I will exercise self-control.
- I understand that I am competing at a competitive level and that my playing time is determined by my coach and based on an assessment of my performance on and off the field.
- I will come prepared to both practices and games and I understand that if I fail to attend practice my coach may decide at his discretion to bench me during a game.
- Lire et respecter la Section 4.3 du Code de conduite de Soccer Canada (I am aware of my rights and obligations under the Club’s policy surrounding appropriate / inappropriate conduct between adults / youth and children ( content/uploads/2019/07/csa-code-of-conduct-and-ethics-final-220917-fr- 1-2.pdf).
- Je suis conscient de mes droits et obligations en vertu de la politique du Club concernant les comportements appropriés / inappropriés entre adultes / jeunes et enfants (https://soccerquebec.org/programme-reconnaissance-des- clubs/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/c2k-coachingassoccanada-interacting- fr-2.pdf and https://soccerquebec.org/programme-reconnaissance-des- clubs/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/c2k- stepsforreportinginappropriateconduct-fr.pdf).
- I will never place the value of winning before the safety and welfare of all players
- I will always show respect for players, other coaches, and game
- I will lead by example, demonstrating fair play and sportsmanship at all
- I will be knowledgeable of the rules of the game, and teach these rules to my players.
- I will never use abusive or insulting I will treat everyone with dignity.
- I will not tolerate inappropriate behavior, regardless of the
- I understand that Youth have a greater need for example than I will be the primary soccer role model.
- I will at all times conduct myself in a positive
- Coaching is motivating players to produce their best effort, inspiring players to learn, and encouraging players to hold their head high win or
- Les actions de l’entraîneur sur le bord du terrain pendant les matchs doivent être dans l’esprit du « fair-play » en tout temps. Les jurons, les gestes vulgaires, les disputes, l’incitation à un comportement perturbateur de la part des spectateurs et/ou des joueurs, ou tout comportement contraire à l’esprit du fair-play, nécessiteront des mesures disciplinaires de la part du Club de soccer St. Laurent
- I will agree to undergo a police verification as outlined in the federation bylaws FSQ : http://www.federation-soccer.qc.ca/fre/administration/1011.cfm
- Furthermore, the volunteers will read and abide by the guide titled “Lignes directrices pour les adultes qui interagissent avec de jeunes athletes”
- Read and abide by Section 2 of Soccer Canada’s Code of Conduct (I am aware of my rights and obligations under the Club’s policy surrounding appropriate / inappropriate conduct between adults / youth and children (
content/uploads/2019/07/csa-code-of-conduct-and-ethics-final-220917-fr- 1-2.pdf).
- I am aware of my obligations under the Club’s policy surrounding appropriate / inappropriate conduct between adults / youth and children (I am aware of my rights and obligations under the Club’s policy surrounding appropriate / inappropriate conduct between adults / youth and children ( content/uploads/2019/07/c2k-coachingassoccanada-interacting-fr-2.pdf and I am aware of my rights and obligations under the Club’s policy surrounding appropriate / inappropriate conduct between adults / youth and children ( content/uploads/2019/07/c2k-stepsforreportinginappropriateconduct- pdf).
- I am aware of my obligations under the Club’s policy surrounding the “Rule of Two” (https://soccerquebec.org/programme-reconnaissance-des- clubs/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/ruleoftwo-fr-2.pdf).
- I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, game officials, and administrators at all times.
- « Je placerai le bien-être émotionnel et physique de tous les joueurs avant tout désir personnel de gagner.
- I will support the coaches, officials, and administrators working with my child, in order to encourage a positive and enjoyable experience for all.
- I will ask my child to treat other players, coaches, game officials, administrators, and fans with respect.
- I will ask my child to treat other players, coaches, game officials, administrators, and fans with respect.
- I will always be
- I will always allow the coach to be the only
- I will not get into arguments with the opposing team’s parents, players, or
- I will not criticize game
- I will not criticize game
- Furthermore, the parents will read and share the contents with their child of the guide titled “Lignes directrices pour les adultes qui interagissent avec de jeunes athletes”
- Read and abide by Section 4.5 of Soccer Canada’s Code of Conduct (I am aware of my rights and obligations under the Club’s policy surrounding appropriate / inappropriate conduct between adults / youth and children ( content/uploads/2019/07/csa-code-of-conduct-and-ethics-final-220917-fr- 1-2.pdf).
- I am aware of my child’s rights and my obligations under the Club’s policy surrounding appropriate / inappropriate conduct between adults / youth and childrenhttps://soccerquebec.org/programme-reconnaissance-des- clubs/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/c2k-coachingassoccanada-interacting- fr-2.pdf and https://soccerquebec.org/programme-reconnaissance-des- clubs/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/c2k- stepsforreportinginappropriateconduct-fr.pdf).