Club De Soccer Saint Laurent

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Inscriptions école de soccer EDS

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1 - Participant

Mois /Jour/Année - Month/Day/Year
Beginner: Starting out or has very basic skills. Intermediate: Plays occasionally at school or with friends. Advanced: Plays competitively with a club or on a school team.

2 - Participant

If second participant is added complete the following fields from date of birth until course
Mois /Jour/Année - Month/Day/Year
Beginner: Starting out or has very basic skills. Intermediate: Plays occasionally at school or with friends. Advanced: Plays competitively with a club or on a school team.



Paiement - Payment

If applicable include the credit note portion applied to the payment
Enter only if a credit note was applied. Payment amount received excluding the credit notes
Après avoir soumis le formulaire, une confirmation sera automatiquement envoyée par courriel. / After submitting the form, a confirmation will automatically be emailed.